Tuesday, 18 May 2010

19 may- she

my princess wore short brown t shirt and a 3/4th. Her hair bore the looks of a cute teddy, cuter than the small panda dolls. Her golden cheeks glowed in the beautiful summer light and i wanted to pull them apart gently.

Her sweet lip glosses made the cherry bitten lips very rose and looked sweetest! I wish she wud come near me and whisper the golden words in my ever longing thirsty ears. Hope is all I have

There she goes to work with the crap man in the university, who does nothing but ogles and flirts with girls, when i ask her not to wear she shrugs of lazily , never understanding what the ass fellow's intention and his sight wud be.

Am sepearated by miles to take care of my darling, so never a smile and am not worth! ho boy am such a cipher and a lunatic....

Love yu baby, yu are all i got... the more yu depart from me , the more i see the knot of death


Raj said...

wtf dude! if this abt a girl u have been admiring from a distance, u better stop.

Chandrika Shubham said...

Interesting way to grab the readers attention. :)

HaRy!! said...
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